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Sunday, February 27, 2011

medicine cabinet must have - PROBIOTICS

A lot of folks I know have been passing around various tummy problems lately. That reminded me of this great product and I just had to share. I recommend this to any family of any size : probiotics! Don't know what they are? They are similar to yogurt in that they are cultured bacteria that are good for your gut. You can take them in food, liquid, or capsule form. They help build your guts good "flora" and aid in your digestive and immune systems. They are highly recommended after a round of any antibiotics because they replace what was killed off during the "anti" biotics regimen and ward off the yeast overgrowth and other complications. They also help shorten the duration of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that mostly tummy "bugs" cause. There is all kinds but my favorite is Tummy Tune Up from . I like it because everyone in my family can use it (I just open the capsule and use the powder inside for the littlest ones) and it is stable at room temperature (some kinds have to be refrigerated). Do any of you just LOVE probiotics? Any good testimonials of their effectiveness for folks who have never heard of them?